Jathman RestoMods, at your service
Last week, the League of Extraordinary Bloggers‘ had an AWESOME turnout, with many old friends and even some new ones, contributing to the topic. Hopefully, we can keep the momentum going with this week’s assignment…
Look what I made! Do you worship at the altar of MacGyver? Have you ever drawn a stick figure? Given birth to a child? Put together an Ikea product? Let’s see it!
I'm very creative... in my mind. In reality, not so much. I am much more of technical person. I can put together a computer blindfolded with one hand tied behind my back. I've replaced/installed more care stereos than I can count. Drawing a stick figure... my dog does better figures than me. However, I've taken on some projects recently that I am proud of.
Like many member of the League, I collect things. Lately I've been focusing on vintage Star Wars and GI Joe ARAH lines. I've picked up quite few figures (more on that in a future post) and I've scored really good deals on some vehicles. Since I'm not planning to sell any of my purchases, I decided to do some restoration/modifications. My first victim was a vintage T.I.E. Interceptor, aka TIE/IN.
I picked up the TIE/IN from a local vintage toy shop, Rogue Toys. The owner has always treated my right and knows what I'm looking for. I walked in a few months ago and he told me, "I got something for you."
He pulled out a TIE/IN from the back room. Stickers weren't perfect, but it had all four wing-tip cannons. If you anything about these, you know that those cannons are always the first things to break off. It was perfect.
Anyway, to make a long story short, I ordered some repro stickers, took the entire thing apart, removed the old stickers, cleaned the entire thing and put it back together. I now present my restomoded TIE/IN.
The TIE/IN, the sweetest looking fighter in the Star Wars saga.
All the cannons are there!
Even took the clear canopy off and cleaned it so it is crystal clear. And that glowing red light? Yeah, I got that working.
Now with Battle Damage action. Yes, the springs work nicely.
Kllian Dervin, Black 6, reporting for duty.
I so enjoyed doing this, I decided to take on some more restomod projects. Here is a preview of what's to come.*
Captain Brad J. "Ace" Armbruster of the VF-84 Jolly Rogers, reporting for duty.
Captain Dard Stark and Lieutenant Jof Lannister reporting for duty. (C'mon, it's not like they were gonna survive to retirement age.)
What have other members of the League done?
GI Jigsaw started working on a 12inch scale Death Star playset. I think it would be awesome if decided to retry to build it.
Brian did something super simple, but impressively cool with his Alien figure.
Nerdy Life has got some nice drawing talent. Rocketeer is one of my top 5 favorite heroes, but that Ariel is something else...
* - While all the figures might not be vintage, all the vehicles are.